IV regional conference about rare diseases
IV Regional conference on rare diseases with the topic – Genetic therapies in rare diseases was held on 28.11.2023. at the Sheraton Hotel in Novi Sad.
There was great interest in this topic and the lectures aimed at understanding the principles and techniques of genetic therapies, as well as the perspectives, expectations and concerns of patients regarding genetic therapies.
With the aim of investigating the application of new technologies and genetic therapies, using concrete examples from practice and how this could change and improve the practice of treating all rare diseases in the future, the conference gathered eminent experts in the field of genetic therapies from Serbia, the region, Europe and America.
Serbia is among the first three countries in Europe that will provide genetic therapy for butterfly children. Also, we are one of the few countries that has all three therapies for SMA.
Together, we managed to fulfill such an important mission – to contribute to the successful exchange of information about genetic therapies in rare diseases, all for the sake of patients whose hope for treatment lies in expensive genetic therapies.

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